New Haven / Hamden
A Non-Stock Corporation operated solely for the perpetuity of the cemetery.
Beaverdale Memorial Park was incorporated as a non-sectarian, non-profit cemetery in 1929. Originally established as a traditional monument cemetery, flush bronze memorial sections were added in 1954. The Mausoleum at Beaverdale opened in 1989. Designed as a modern perpetual care cemetery, Beaverdale continues to be managed as such. The following Rules and Regulations for Beaverdale Memorial Park, Inc., hereinafter referred to as “Beaverdale”, have been adopted by the Board of Directors, after careful study, as they are deemed to be in the best interest of all concerned. They are subject to change by the Board of Directors from time to time as circumstances may require. It is the responsibility of all owners of burial and entombment rights to read and understand these Rules and Regulations. Only through cooperation and strict adherence of these rules can Beaverdale continue to maintain the beauty and dignity of the cemetery.
1. Rights to the burial of the remains of human beings only are sold, including ordinary perpetual care, at such prices as may be determined by the Board of Directors and according to the plans on file in the office of Beaverdale. Owners of burial rights acquire only the right and privilege of burial of the dead. Beaverdale has the right at all times to plan and change the layout and landscaping of the cemetery, which includes but is not limited to, buildings, garden areas, roadways, entrances, water service, hedges, trees and ornamental plantings.
2. A Certificate of Ownership of rights, subject at all times to such Rules and Regulations as may be determined from time to time by the Board of Directors, will be issued upon full payment of said burial rights.
3. Transfer of rights in lots or graves may be made only upon approval of Beaverdale. All Assignment Certificates must be signed by an officer of Beaverdale and recorded on its records. An Assignment Certificate may be obtained only at the office of Beaverdale. All transfers shall be made subject to the By-Laws and Rules and Regulations of Beaverdale then or thereafter in force.
4. Beaverdale shall have the right at all times to enter upon any lot for the purpose of maintaining, cleaning or policing such lot or for any other reason. 5. No owner of rights shall erect or place any fence, sign or any other structure of any sort on the cemetery grounds except as provided in these Rules and Regulations.
6. An official flagstaff holder will be allowed at owner’s risk on the grave of one who has served in the Armed Forces of the United States. The only other grave marker permitted will be a flush memorial as permitted in these Rules and Regulations.
7. No vault, mausoleum or columbarium will be permitted except as approved by BEAVERDALE. Before any vault, mausoleum or columbarium is erected the owner of burial rights must deposit with Beaverdale a sum of money estimated by it to be sufficient to yield an income adequate for the proper care of such structure in perpetuity.
8. All excavations for burial vaults, monuments and grave markers and the opening and closing of all interments and entombments shall be arranged by the cemetery management at the expense of the owner of rights.
9. Owners of rights or visitors are prohibited from plucking or carrying away any flowers – either wild or cultivated- and shall not injure in any way any shrub, plant or tree or mar or damage any monument, marker, fence or other structure within or around the cemetery.
10. No animals shall be permitted in the cemetery.
11. Vehicles are not to turn around upon any of the roads, but shall follow one of the circular roadways to their objective. They shall keep to the right and, when stopping, shall drive as closely to the lawn as possible without driving or parking thereon.
12. Speed of motor vehicles must not exceed fifteen (15) miles per hour.
13. Access to and egress from the cemetery and all graves therein shall be permitted only at the portals specifically provided, maintained and designated for such purposes.
14. Funeral processions upon entering the cemetery shall be under the control and subject at all times to the directions of the management of the cemetery.
15. Subject to the Rules and Regulations, cemetery management is authorized to maintain order; to expel from the grounds any person who violates any rule or regulation, or acts in an unbecoming or improper manner; and to refuse admission to any person when it is deemed such action is necessary.
16. No burial will be permitted in a single or two grave lot or a lot with monument space until full payments have been made. No entombment will be permitted in any mausoleum crypt or niche until full payments have been made. One burial will be permitted in other multi-grave, non-monument lots when at least the purchase price of the burial rights for two graves has been paid, provided that the payments for said rights have been kept up to date in accordance with the contract of purchase. A second burial will be permitted only in lots upon which full contract price has been paid.
17. An order for the opening of a grave, crypt or niche must be accompanied by a written authorization from the owner of burial or entombment rights, or in the absence of the owner, a member of the owner’s family in the order of priority shown below. “Family” shall mean the owner, the owner’s spouse, the owner’s children, the owner’s parents and spouses of the owner’s children. An authorized representative may act on behalf of any of the above and will be given the same priority as the individual they represent. A funeral director may act as an authorized representative. Whoever signs the authorization then assumes responsibility for the grave, crypt or niche selection.
18. When a person to be interred or entombed is not a member of the family of the owner of burial or entombment rights, Beaverdale will require an order in writing from the owner, or in the absence of the owner, a member of the owner’s family in the order of priority as per paragraph 17 above. An authorized representative of a member of the family may act on behalf of that individual, in the same order of priority.
19. When instructions for opening graves, crypts or niches are deemed indefinite by Beaverdale or for any reason cannot be opened in the location specified, management, to avoid delay, will order openings at such location as may be deemed best under the circumstances.
20. An order for grave, crypt or niche opening shall be given to Beaverdale at least twelve (12) working hours before the desired opening time. Beaverdale shall open the grave, crypt or niche as soon as reasonably possible after the order is received.
21. Owners of burial or entombment rights or a duly authorized funeral director shall make requests for burial, or entombment times to Beaverdale. In the event that Beaverdale is unable to provide burial or entombment at the requested time, Beaverdale shall so notify such owner or funeral director and shall provide a burial or entombment time as close as possible to the requested time.
22. Beaverdale shall open graves, crypts or niches only during regularly scheduled working hours.
23. Burial vaults of concrete, non-corrosive metals or other durable materials of the guaranteed types are required. Wooden over-boxes are not permitted. Vaults must withstand deterioration and must support ground and equipment pressures from above.
24. Vaults for interment must be delivered to the cemetery at least four (4) working hours prior to such interment and during scheduled working hours.
25. No funeral shall be allowed in the cemetery on Sundays or holidays, except in case of death from contagious disease, when immediate burial is ordered by the Board of Health, or by special contract.
26. Only one body shall be interred in a grave, except an adult and an infant or two children in one casket; or, if room, two small children each in a casket-vault combination; or if room, one adult in a casket and vault and one cremains in a container; or two cremains only in containers. No interment shall be made nor placed in a vault unless accompanied by the proper burial permit and burial fee.
27. Cremains shall be buried in a non-biodegradable urn or container. No more than two (2) cremains may be buried in any one adult grave.
28. No firearms, refreshments, intoxicating liquors, drugs or narcotics of any kind shall be brought into the cemetery; except that firearms may be used and discharged in the case of a military funeral or in connection with an approved patriotic service.
29. No disinterment will be permitted except on written request of the owner of burial or entombment rights, or the owner’s representative, with the proper permits and at the owner’s expense. All disinterments must be made by Beaverdale.
30. Beaverdale does not assume responsibility for loss of or damage to flowers, vases, funeral designs, plants, winter decorations and shrubs, regardless of cause.
31. Recognizing a mutual desire to have a well maintained and attractive cemetery, any item that becomes unsightly, overgrown or which interferes with burials or other cemetery work will be removed. Those wishing to retain any flowers, potted plants or designs must remove them before the regular collection by the cemetery for disposal.
32. Potted plants are permitted only at the following times for a ten (10) day period starting with the day of the memorial: Easter or Passover, Mother’s Day, Father’s Day and National Memorial Day. Potted or other plants dug into the soil will be removed immediately. Broad base pots should be used to reduce the probability of being blown over by the wind.
33. Fresh cut flowers are permitted any time when placed in temporary vases approved by Beaverdale. Only two (2) of these temporary cut flower vases may be placed on one (1) adult grave. Beaverdale assumes no responsibility for damage to or loss of these vases. Tin, glass, urns, planters or containers other than approved cut-flower vases are prohibited.
34. Grave blankets, styrofoam decorations, palm or other crosses or decorations are prohibited at all times. Artificial flower bouquets are permitted in an approved temporary cemetery vase during the months of December, January, February and March only.
35. A winter pillow-type grave decoration or wreath of suitable live evergreen material will be permitted during the period from November 20 to February 1 at the family’s responsibility and risk. Only one decoration or wreath is permitted on each grave and must be constructed on a substantial framework and must lie flat and be pinned to the ground to avoid being blown about by the wind. Beaverdale reserves the right to remove such decoration should it become unsightly, contain excessive artificial material or interfere with grave openings or other work.
36. The planting of flowers is permitted within a twelve (12) inch apron in front of a monument, provided there is room. Owner of rights must request permission from Beaverdale and are required to maintain such plantings. Beaverdale shall have the right to refuse such request if it determines that the planting is not desirable for the cemetery; or if in its opinion, the planting thereof would not conform to the general planting scheme of the cemetery, or would not enhance the beauty of the cemetery. Beaverdale reserves the right to remove such plantings should they become unsightly.
37. No owner of rights or other person except agents and employees of Beaverdale shall plant, trim, prune, move or remove any tree or shrub in the cemetery. Beaverdale shall not be responsible for damage to or death of any tree or shrub in the cemetery.
The following additional Rules and Regulations apply to sections of Beaverdale designated for memorials in granite.
38. A monument may be installed at owner’s risk on lots for which monument rights have been purchased and for which a deed has been issued.
39. Plans and location for all monument work must be submitted to and approved by Beaverdale before being ordered or placed. Any premature commitment on the part of a monument dealer is at his own risk.
40. No more than one monument will be permitted on any lot and the location thereof shall be fixed by Beaverdale. No monument will be permitted on any lot less than 10 feet in width by 12 feet in length, except in certain sections developed after the year 1950, to be determined by Beaverdale.
41. All monuments shall be of granite. Vertical joints are not allowed. Free standing designs, figures or statues, which are extremely susceptible to vandalism and weathering will not be allowed. Lettering and designs shall be cut into the stone, not raised, and no attachments are to be made to the monument or base.
42. The foundations for all monuments will be constructed by Beaverdale at the expense of the owner of rights. Rates will be given upon application. All foundation work must be ordered at least thirty (30) days before any stones are to be set and paid for prior to setting. Installations will be scheduled as weather and workload permits.
43. The minimum size of a monument base shall be 3 feet, 6 inches in length. The overall height of any monument and base shall not exceed the length of the base or 5 feet, whichever is less. The maximum length of a monument base for a 10 foot lot shall be 5 feet; for a 13 foot lot, 7 feet and for a 16 foot lot, 8 feet. No monument base shall exceed 8 feet in length.
44. In the monument sections of the cemetery so designated, a flush granite marker 24 inches in width and 12 inches in length may be placed at the head of each grave. Such marker must be of granite since no other stone will withstand the rigors of our climate. Letters and designs on the marker shall be cut into the stone, not raised.
45. Only one marker shall be placed for each interment, not to exceed two per grave. No marker shall be set to embrace two or more graves.
46. The setting of monuments and the transportation of all tools, material, etc. within the grounds shall be subject to the specification of Beaverdale and, except when special permission is obtained, all such work shall be completed and rubbish removed by 3:30 P.M. Monday through Friday. Tools and material for work, which cannot be completed per above, will not be allowed to enter the grounds. No material shall be allowed to remain longer than is reasonably necessary for any construction work. No work will be permitted on Saturday, Sunday or holidays. No heavy carting will be allowed in wet weather.
47. All monument dealers, engravers, sand blasters, or any other person who has a business reason to perform any work in the cemetery shall report to and be cleared by the cemetery office before any work is to be performed. A current certificate showing evidence of general liability and workers compensation insurance must be issued to the satisfaction of Beaverdale.
48. Since accessories added to monuments and markers are prime targets of vandals, none shall be allowed.
49. No person shall be permitted to remove any marker or monument from Beaverdale Memorial Park without the written consent of the owner of rights and the approval of Beaverdale.
50. All markers are to be delivered to the cemetery office receiving point for installation by the cemetery. Beaverdale shall not be responsible for assistance with the unloading of such deliveries. Markers for which the cemetery does not have an approved order on hand are not to be delivered. Such approval shall include approved arrangements for payment of installation fees.
51. In no case will Beaverdale or any of its Officers, Directors or employees be responsible for any damage to or loss of any marker, monument, tree, shrub, or any other article, which may be placed in the cemetery by any person.
The following additional Rules and Regulations apply to sections of Beaverdale Memorial Park designated for memorials in bronze.
52. The marking of each lot, grave or graves, except as hereinafter provided, is restricted and limited to flat bronze markers set flush with the turf on cement or granite bases and of such construction as designated by the cemetery. Approval by a proper cemetery official must be secured before any marker or memorial may be delivered to the cemetery for installation. All installations are to be made only by Beaverdale.
53. Only two bronze markers will be permitted on one grave but in no case will there be more than one marker per burial. The size of grave markers must be 24 inches in width by 12inches in length. No marker may be set to embrace two or more grave spaces except a bronze family memorial; nor shall more than one family name be permitted on a family memorial which must be 44 inches in width by 14 inches in length. In order to conform to the general plan of the cemetery, all memorials shall be set on uniform lines as prescribed by Beaverdale. No family memorial shall be placed on any lot with a capacity of less than two graves. No cut flower container shall be a part of either the marker or family memorial. Only temporary approved cemetery vases are allowed for the purpose of displaying fresh cut flowers.
54. To preserve uniform beauty and durability, all bronze markers and memorials must meet the specifications posted within the offices of Beaverdale. A copy of such will be provided upon request.
55. With all bronze markers or memorials not purchased through the cemetery, the owner of rights or dealer offering such marker or memorial for installation must furnish the cemetery with a current affidavit of analysis from the manufacturer of said marker, which must comply with Beaverdale’s specifications.
56. All markers or memorials shall be installed by the cemetery on foundations or bases built or furnished by the cemetery in accordance with its specifications, but the cemetery shall not be liable for any defective materials or workmanship beyond replacement or repair of such materials as have been furnished by the cemetery.
57. If the marker or memorial is purchased through the cemetery, the service and installation charge shall be included in the purchase contract.
58. If the marker or memorial is purchased from an outside source and is approved by the cemetery, as hereinbefore more particularly set forth, the charge for service and installation shall be determined on the basis of the size of the marker and the type of base. Arrangements for payment of installation charges must be approved by Beaverdale prior to delivery of such memorial.
59. The charges for installations of all markers and memorials shall be paid in advance of the setting.
The following additional Rules and regulations apply to mausoleums within Beaverdale Memorial Park.
60. Entombment in, or inscription on, any crypt or niche can be scheduled after purchase price has been paid in full.
61. Entombment in tandem crypts will be made in the order of death. In the case of a double entombment scheduled at the same time, the crypt-owner or the owner’s authorized agent will be permitted to designate placement within a tandem crypt.
62. Removal from any crypt or niche must comply with conditions as stated in paragraph 29 of these Rules and Regulations.
63. All crypt entombments shall require the use of a crypt liner approved by Beaverdale.
64. One floral piece or arrangement will be permitted in the area adjacent to the entombment. Such arrangement, placed on the day of entombment, will be allowed to remain for one day only after entombment, after which it will be removed. No other decoration or identification is permitted unless approved by Beaverdale.
65. All lettering and insignia on any crypt or niche must be of a Beaverdale approved standard form and size engraved on the crypt or niche front and will be done by a stone engraver approved and contracted by Beaverdale. Inscriptions are limited as follows:
Single Crypt or Niche front:
- One line for Term of Endearment.
- One line for name.
- One line each for Date of Birth and Date of Death. (Maximum of Four Lines.)
Tandem Crypt or Niche front:
- One line for Term of Endearment.
- One line for each name.
- One line for each Date of Birth and Date of Death. (Maximum of Seven Lines).
66. The charges for inscriptions on crypt and niche fronts shall be paid in full before the inscriptions are engraved.
67. All other decorations, adornments and memorials are prohibited unless expressly approved by Beaverdale. All such decorations, adornments and memorials shall only by provided and installed by Beaverdale.
The following Rules and regulations apply to Urn Garden sections within Beaverdale Memorial Park.
68. The interment of the cremated remains of up to two (2) persons will be permitted in each grave.
69. Each grave will be marked by a flat bronze marker set flush with the turf on a granite base and of such construction as designated by Beaverdale so as to abide paragraph 52 of these Rules and Regulations.
70. One bronze marker 24 inches in width and 14 inches in length is permitted on each grave and may be a double interment marker. No marker shall be set to embrace two or more grave spaces. In order to conform to the general plan of the cemetery, all memorials shall be set on uniform lines as prescribed by BEAVERDALE. No cut flower container shall be a part of the marker. Only temporary approved cemetery vases are allowed for the purpose of displaying fresh cut flowers.
71. Paragraphs 27, 52, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58 and 59 of these Rules and Regulations shall apply to all bronze markers for urn garden graves.
These rules and regulations are subject to change without prior notice. A copy of the current Rules and Regulations in larger print is available at the cemetery office.
Amended: June 2006