Every life is worthy of remembering and the one method that insures that they will not be forgotten is a memorial installed within a cemetery. At Beaverdale these memorials vary from an upright monument to a beautiful bronze memorial, from a personalized inscription within the mausoleum to a flush granite grave marker. The appropriate memorial is determined by the location within Beaverdale of the final resting place. We are always available to assist you with the selection of a memorial that leaves behind a meaningful representation of that individual who was so close to you.

Bronze Memorials

Many of the grave sites at Beaverdale are designated for memorializing with a flush bronze memorial. These bronze memorials are customized with up to 6 words of endearment, full name and full dates. An emblem or two may also be added. We also have other designs on display at our office as well as illustrated in brochures that can be mailed to you.

Upright Monuments

In a few selective areas within Beaverdale an upright monument is permitted on a family lot. Please contact our office to confirm if a monument may be erected as a memorial upon your lot. We will be able to assist you in the selection and design options.

Flush Granite Memorials

In other areas within the cemetery a flush granite marker is the appropriate memorial. As with monuments please contact us to confirm your options as we are always available to assist you with the design and creation of a fitting memorial.

Mausoleum Inscription

Memorials for mausoleum crypts and cremation niches involve an inscription cut into the granite fronts. These engravings can be customized to meet your desires. Again, we are prepared to assist you in this very personal decision. Costs for these memorials are also listed on the Prices page of this website.

Mausoleum Vases

Floral vases elegantly cast in bronze and permanently attached to the granite front are available. These vases will accommodate a bouquet of artificial or silk flowers, becoming an integral part of the memorial. Even when not in use, the simple, dignified design will only add to the beauty of the inscription.

Grave Vases

Beaverdale in pleased to provide cemetery vases for your fresh cut flower bouquets at no cost to you. These may be secured just outside the entrance to our office any time you visit. Simply place the vase and bouquet on the grave. During our normal maintenance cycle we will remove all wilted decorations and recycle the vases.